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My Way

1 Fundamentals

. Be one with your horse

. Flatwork

. Distances

. Cavaletti and Poles on the ground

2 Lemniscate

. Balance

. Breathing

. Lemniscate exercise

3 Shamrock

. Mental training

. Shamrock exercise

4 Butterfly

. Morning routine

. Butterfly selfie

. Butterfly exercise

A video series created for educational purposes and addressing the Butterfly Method. It will help YOU improve your riding abilities, as well as your set of skills and knowledge in the equestrian and psychological fields.

My Way Masterclass

My                           is to inspire human development and riding skills

to                    and glow.



In addition to the masterclasses, you will receive:

4 homework activities 

access to 4 webinars

participation in a 4-day special clinic for trainers

If there are more than 16 participants, Luciana may go to your country; otherwise, she will choose a convenient date and place for you to do the clinic.

Due to corona time, help us make a 4-day clinic for LDBM Trainer Certificate


The Butterfly Method Certificate

The Luciana Diniz Butterfly Method Certificate is for riders, trainers and non-rider, passionate equestrians to teach their students using the Butterfly Method

Academy Certificate

Butterfly Method Certificate



a culturally integrated Equestrian Riding Clinics that will provide YOU with specific tools in a transforming and unique life-changing experience to aquire the skills and competence of a true champion.


8-Aspects Program

Books, e-Books and Workbooks

Luciana has written two books: Fit 4 Gold (about her journey to and during the Rio Olympics with her horse ‘Fit For Fun’) and ‘Jump 4 your Dreams’ (all about Luciana, her horses to date, and about the Butterfly Method and her unique philosophy) and the Workbook: a workbook to help riders plan, organize and prepare themselves for success in the ring.

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Jump 4 Your Dreamns!

This book is a template for All that is Luciana; her story, her horses, all she believes in. It’s also a training manual complete with advice on all aspects of horse care, riding, jumping exercises and also how to organize yourself mentally and physically to be your best - all you need to get you started on your way. Read on and be inspired…

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The journey from preparation to execution at the Rio Olympics – Luciana and her horse Fit For Fun take you on their up and down pendulum journey; from Olympic preparation for Rio to the daily experience of being part of the Olympic competitors' village, the competitions, through to the individual jumping final. Read on and re-live their fascinating and challenging journey…

Workbook and Pocket book coming soon

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A moment in time podcast

Listen to several experts in a variety of equestrian topics.


'A Moment in Time Podcast' with sports psychologist Jean Cyrille. Jean and Luciana discuss how he assisted Luciana to ride her horse Dover in the World Championships in Aachen in 2006 for the first time for Portugal. Dover was not considered to be up to the task because if his age, his diminutive size and because he would be at his absolute maximum over the huge fences they would face. Watch and see how Luciana, Dover and Jean achieved what was not thought possible.e give, thereby creating predictability and security for the horse, making him confident and relaxed in any situation. 

A Moment In Time Podcast 1 (Version 4) -Luciana Diniz
00:00 / 19:03
LD Art Collection
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